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The Liberal Arts Department

English Language Arts / Social Studies 


  • ELA are divided into 5 areas of literary interest: Poetry, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Drama, and Media with 4 writing styles: Expository, Persuasive, Narrative, and Descriptive. Each concept execution will last two weeks in grades 4th – 6th.  Students will be introduced to a literary and writing style and will receive a book written in both disciplines in both hardcopy and electronically downloaded on the Fire Tablets.  Books are to be read at home for a minimum of 30 minutes per evening in grades 4th – 6th and one hour per evening in grades 7th and 8th.  Students will be required to write their own literary pieces conveying both disciplines and utilizing their notes collected throughout the day.  The final draft will be due in the form of an oral presentation.   7th and 8th grade will present final drafts before the entire Upper Primary School student body.  There is a weekly quiz to demonstrate cognitive knowledge of the distributed text. Students will select their best work to be placed in their Art Portfolio and will be offered publishing opportunities. All Fourth-grade students will learn how to type and will be provided their own laptop to use throughout all five school years.

  • Social Studies is designed to facilitate the exploration of  complex social interconnections and functionalities of society in the areas of history, geography, government/civics, economics, sociology, anthropology.  Students and 7th & 8th will taken a deeper dive in Political Science utilizing the rich resources of our Nation's Capitol location.

  • Field study/Lectures will occur monthly and overnight field trips will take place once a school year


Foreign Language Arts


  • Disciplines will be divided into 7 languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, and Spanish.  Areas of interest will be: History, Comprehension, and Fluency.  Students will be encouraged to study the language of their religious text or cultural upbringing

  • This class is taught virtually to connect with native speakers in their native environment in classrooms all over the world.  

  • Field study/Lectures will occur monthly and overnight field trips will take place once a school year 




  • Disciplines are divided into 7 religions: Bhai, Buddhism, Catholic, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Just Spiritual (non-religious).  There will be 3 areas of interest: History, Evolution, and Contemporary/Modern Practice.  IPSNA will teach from a conservative lens bringing awareness to orthodox and reform practices.  This class with be taught educationally vs devotionally as the goal is to increase the students religious literacy.  Every week on Mondays students will join in class together to discuss the similarities between all of the religions. 

  • Field study/Lectures will occur monthly and overnight field trips will take once a school year per religious group.

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